
Both the Old and New Testaments of The Bible were written down or originally compiled by the black Hebrews in Egypt. The first translation of The Bible from Hebrew was by the Greeks in Alexandria, Egypt, who called it The Septuagint. Later the Romans translated it into Latin known as The Vulgate Bible. Other translations and versions came later.

The Qur’an was written down after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 622 CE by his companions under the leadership of Caliph Usman. At the time of the Prophet, The Qur’an was revealed to him by Allah via archangel Jibril in stages. Each verse was revealed to him to address a certain incident in his life to guide him on how to handle or address specific issues of life in general or particular. Thus, The Qur’an was revealed under a period of 22 years in either Mecca or Medinah which spanned his prophethood. The Prophet memorized the verses handed down by Jibril, and passed them across to his companions in the same form. In any case, the Prophet was unlettered, had not been to school, so could neither read to write but, had the eidetic memory to absorb knowledge. After his death the leadership of the Muslim Ummah was passed on to Caliph Abubakar, then Caliph Umar and Caliph Usman. Because of the different renderings of The Qur’an and death of many of the companions of the Prophet during the holy wars, it was deemed necessary to preserve the accuracy of The Qur’an. So those Muslims with literacy skills were asked to commit to paper the most acceptable rendering of The Qur’an. Thus, the first section of The Qur’an was written by Bilal, an educated black Ethiopian, who assisted the Prophet as his muezzin (caller to prayer) and Adhan (prayer assistant).

Interestingly, the earliest scripture in the world was written by the black Egyptian priests in Memphis city, former Khemetian capital, called The Memphite Theology later reflected in The Egyptian Book of the Dead otherwise known as The Book of the Coming Forth By Day and By Night, produced around 5000 to 4100 BCE. The Memphite Theology has the concept of God (Amon-Ra), angels, prophets, spirits, paradise, hellfire, heaven’s gate, judgment of the dead man in heaven, etc. The concept of the Word as the Creative Spirit reflected in both The Bible (Old Testament written by Hebrews in Alexandria, Egypt from the 15th century BCE, completed and circulated between 700 and 500 BCE, and the New Testament finalized in North/ East Africa notably by the canonical committee headed by the black Archbishop, St. Augustine of Hippo, Algeria, of the Punic tribe, after the Nicene Council in 325 CE where 27 of the 45 original books were accepted and incorporated) and The Qur’an (written down around 622 CE) was earlier mentioned in the The Memphite Theology. The Khemetian faith was known as the Amonian religion based on the worship of the Sun-God called Amon-Ra. It was a religion that had ritual bath, ablution, charms/ amulets, trinity of godhead: Osiris, Isis and Horus, its worshippers claimed they were “covered by the blood of Isis”, like Christians today say, they are “covered by the blood of Jesus”, etc. They observed fasting and pilgrimage to the Grand Lodge of Luxor, where pilgrims all over the world converged there annually. Luxor was the world capital of religion before Jerusalem became that of the Christians, and Makkah/ Madinah became that of the Muslims.


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